Αδαμάντινος χορηγός η Alfa Wood Group στο 1ο Συνέδριο ενάντια στη γυναικεία κακοποίηση στο Μέγ. Μουσικής Αθηνών

On Saturday, January 25th at the Athens Concert Hall, Alfa Wood Group supported, as a Diamond Sponsor, the 1st Conference against Female Abuse, with the slogan: "Break the Silence, We Build a World Without Violence".
SK Congress, in collaboration with the Ministry of Immigration & Asylum and the Ministry of Justice, organized the conference, this time focusing on a timeless and at the same time topical issue, the abuse and violent treatment that thousands of women suffer and experience in every part of the planet.
Prominent personalities were invited to the conference to inform the audience and discuss the issue. Journalists, scientists, businessmen, artists and politicians. Together they joined forces to highlight the problem that exists all over the world and to raise awareness throughout the planet, each taking action individually or collectively.
Alfa Wood Group, within the framework of its corporate culture, shows zero tolerance for violence, silence, guilt!!! It becomes a link in the chain for the elimination of female abuse and the elimination of all forms of violence for the creation of an equal, safe society and a sustainable world by protecting the position of women and children.
Full Press Release from the organizing company