Press Releases

Ο όμιλος Alfa Wood Group χορηγός στον Α.Ο. ΑΝΘΟΥΠΟΛΗΣ!

Anthoupoli Football Team

The  Alpha Wood Group welcomed with particular pleasure a delegation from football team A.O. Anthoupolis Larissa, at the Group's Showroom at its facilities in the Industrial Area of Larissa.

The visit took place in the context of Alfa Wood Group's sponsorship of the Anthoupolis Athletic Club and the presentation of the team's football jersey took place, in the presence of their President, Mr. Christos Priftis, and the Vice President & Managing Director of the group, Mr. Agorastos Stelios. Mr. Agorastos "wished everyone a healthy season with positive results and especially to Mr. Priftis patience and optimism in the difficult work he is doing."

Alfa Wood Group also supports amateur sports and consistently demonstrates its social responsibility, supporting sports and all kinds of social actions.