Press Releases

Παράθεση δείπνου στον κο Ψαθά Αθανάσιο της ΕΤΒΑ – ΒΙΠΕ από την Alfa Wood Group


Dinner hosted by Alfa Wood Group for Mr. Psathas Athanassios of ETVA - VIPE

A business lunch was hosted by Mr. Adamopoulos of Alfa Wood Group with members of the Board of Directors. to Mr. Athanasios Psathas, Managing Director of ETVA - VI.PE. and an echelon of it, on the occasion of their visit to STHEV Larisa.

In a central restaurant of Larissa and in a pleasant environment, those present had the opportunity to discuss in relaxed tones the achievement of the actions that will be implemented in the two years 2024-2025 and the upgrading of the infrastructure in various BI.PE. of our country, promoting important national benefits.

The dinner continued with discussions and current affairs, renewing their meeting in the near future, in the new premises of the modern production lines of Alfa Wood Group wood products.